Partnership Self-Assessment Tool (PSAT)

Filed in Tools and Resources by on April 7, 2014

Successful public health interventions, both in program implementation and the pooling of human and funding resources, depend on healthy organizational partnerships. Collaboration generates population-based strategies that allow individuals to obtain necessary clinical services while their communities work to address underlying problems that center on health promotion and disease prevention.

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The “Partnership Self-Assessment Tool” was developed using the “Partnership Synergy Framework” (Lasker, et al., 2001) to provide a measurement of the key indicators for successful collaboration and level of synergy. This 15-page “Partnership Self-Assessment Tool” contains a total of 67 questions.

Eleven sections deal with the following topics:

  1. synergy
  2. leadership
  3. efficiency
  4. administration and management
  5. non-financial resources
  6. financial and other capital resources
  7. decision making
  8. benefits of participation
  9. drawbacks of participation
  10. benefits and drawbacks of participating in the partnership
  11. satisfaction with participation

Each section uses a Likert scale and/or yes and no questions. A Coordinator’s Guide is the main instructional resource for this tool.

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